Club Meeting Agenda for 12 May 2021 – Club Officer Election

Dear Sherwood Town Criers and Honored Guests,

Welcome to our Club Meeting!

Please confirm your roles with our Toastmaster of the Day for our next Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207 Meeting Wed. 12 May 2021. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Next Meeting of Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207

Wednesday, 6:30 pm, 12 May 2021 Pacific Time. For the time and date in your Time Zone, please see our

Event Time Announcer

Join URL:

Meeting ID: 854 329 544
Please write to me for the password.
Meeting starts at 7 pm promptly. Ends at 8:15 pm Pacific Time
Please come early to check your equipment and chat with everyone.
Please write for the Agenda for our Meeting.

Our Meeting Theme: Club Officer Election

Please note that I am not running for Office for the next Toastmasters International Year 2021-2022 in this club.

I announced my decision two weeks ago. I will, of course, make sure that we have an effective transition for the Toastmasters International Year starting 1 July 2021, ending on 30 June 2022, and I will serve the rest of my term in office as Vice President of Education, ending on 30 June 2021.


Best regards to all!

Steve J Davis, DTM, Vice President of Education
Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207

2 thoughts on “Club Meeting Agenda for 12 May 2021 – Club Officer Election”

  1. Thank you Steve for your commitment to VP of Education. It is a demanding position and your dedication is appreciated.

  2. Thanks Tara!

    I did not see your comment until just now.

    I have been slammed with work, many responsibilities and urgent deadlines.

    I appreciate what you have said.

    Best regards always,


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