Welcome to our Club Meeting!
Please confirm your roles with our Toastmaster of the Day for our next Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207 Meeting Wed. 12 May 2021.
Next Meeting of Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207
Wednesday, 6:30 pm, 12 May 2021 Pacific Time. For the time and date in your Time Zone, please see our
Event Time Announcer
Join URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/
Our Meeting Theme: Club Officer Election
Please note that I am not running for Office for the next Toastmasters International Year 2021-2022 in this club.
I announced my decision two weeks ago. I will, of course, make sure that we have an effective transition for the Toastmasters International Year starting 1 July 2021, ending on 30 June 2022, and I will serve the rest of my term in office as Vice President of Education, ending on 30 June 2021.
Best regards to all!
Steve J Davis, DTM, Vice President of Education
Sherwood Town Criers Toastmasters Club #589207
Thank you Steve for your commitment to VP of Education. It is a demanding position and your dedication is appreciated.
Thanks Tara!
I did not see your comment until just now.
I have been slammed with work, many responsibilities and urgent deadlines.
I appreciate what you have said.
Best regards always,